The Oklahoma Airport System is composed of 107 public-use airports with 4 commercial service, and 103 general aviation airports. The map below shows the location and FAA ID of all airports included in the Oklahoma Statewide Economic Impact Study of the Aerospace and Defense Industries.
The Oklahoma Department of Aerospace and Aeronautics (ODAA) is excited to launch the Oklahoma Statewide Economic Impact Study of the Aerospace and Defense Industries (ODAA AEIS). This study will quantify and document the economic impact of Oklahoma's airports at the individual airport and statewide levels. With four commercial service airports and 103 general aviation airports, Oklahoma’s aviation system plays a vital role in the state’s economy. This study will analyze aviation activity and produce deliverables to illustrate the overall impact of Oklahoma’s airport system.
The ODAA AEIS was initiated to evaluate the economic importance of Oklahoma’s airports as well as provide the latest information on the impact of the state’s aerospace industry. By showcasing the importance of aviation within Oklahoma, future public investment can be further validated through results of this report.
Upon completion of the ODAA AEIS, a technical report will be delivered to support and further drive contributions for development. Additional deliverables include an executive summary brochure and individual airport brochures, which can be used by the airports to endorse their economic impact on the surrounding communities.